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Agregasi tekonologi nusantara

We are a company that is an expert in integrating IoT & Digital Enterprise Platform 

What we Do

Internet of Things Platform

Among many things that ATN can do, our vision and mission is to make life a litter bit easier for you. Our speciality is to consolidate and program automation your many different technology from different platforms into one smart aggregated system.


Monitoring System


Automated Alert




Event Filters

Data mining

distributed architecture

advanced charting/diagram

Process Automation


We work with a wide variety of industries & users

From Banking, Data centers, Telecom, Factories, and many more. We are here to integrate your current system with a newer system that you are planning to implement. We are capable in synchronizing many different system into one platform and dashboard for your convenience to control on a web interface.

Have a custom project?

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any kind of queries, we are here to serve you better.

Contact Us for High Quality Tailord IT Solutions

Agregasi Teknologi Nusantara is a company that uses aggregate platform which have the capabilities of consolidating many different technologies protocol


+62 812-888-715

Jl. Kali Besar Timur No. 27A, Jakarta Barat 11110